Best uninstaller software for Windows 10/eleven PCs [2022 Guide]

Radu Tyrsina has been a Windows fan always since he got his showtime PC, a Pentium 3 (a monster at that time). For most of the kids of his age, the Cyberspace was an... Read more

  • Stubborn programs might exist difficult to uninstall, if non downright impossible, every bit they always seem to leave remainder files behind.
  • To this moment, some of the virtually difficult to remove programs are the Universal Apps that are embedded within your organization.
  • If you install tools that automatically deploy drivers, you might be surprised to find driver remnants on your PC, simply nosotros tin help you remove them, likewise.
  • You'll find beneath a tool, amid others, with a smart and clear interface that displays a list of all installed programs. Read on to learn more!

best uninstaller


Installing and uninstalling software is i of the almost mutual activities that we perform on a computer.

When you decide to remove a program, yous most likely achieve for Windows' built-in Add or remove programs pick to get the task washed.

Commonly, it'due south ok to remove programs using this culling, but sometimes you might exist presented with a message stating that some components cannot be deleted or that the uninstall failed.

Uninstalling an app via Control Panel is an incredibly easy task but every bit we said this default method might leave behind temporary junk files and broken registry entries.

Is there complimentary uninstaller software for Windows 10?

Many entries on this list are free, and they will allow you to remove software leftovers on Windows with ease. Many applications offer bones features for free, while avant-garde are available only with a license.

Some of these tools allow you to remove pre-installed Windows apps which will surely come in handy if you desire to keep your PC free from unnecessary software.

You can even use these applications if you don't accept sufficient access to uninstall a plan on your PC.

Tertiary-party uninstaller benefits

This is the reason for which a dedicated third-party uninstaller comes in handy, and the best thing about them is that almost of the tools that are available are also completely free.

These tools volition browse your system quickly for all the installed programs and then they'll allow yous to select more than programs at once for uninstalling them.

Once they accept been removed, the software will also perform another scan on your organisation, this time for tracking downward and whipping out all temporary files and old registry entries left backside.

This will gratuitous up a lot of valuable space on your PC and will make sure that yous won't run into problems in instance y'all make up one's mind to install the latest version of the same software in the future.

3rd-party uninstallers will also provide a handy way to manage browser extensions and plugins, and they'll be able to remove everything yous are not using anymore.

With their help, yous'll exist able to empty your Recycle Bin with just a single click and as well delete your browsing history.

All in all, if your desire is to proceed your system as clean and as tidy as possible and also to complimentary upward some space, uninstaller software is essential.

Have a look at the uninstalling tool we gathered in the following list and pick your favorite.

Which is the best uninstaller tool for a Windows ten PC?

IObit Uninstaller

IObit Uninstaller just might be the best uninstaller tool for Windows. The software volition get right downwards to business, and it will start by scanning your arrangement for installed software.

It features a smart and clear interface that will brandish a list of all your installed programs, and in case y'all are interested only in the newer programs or the largest ones it also has some actress tabs targeted at this kind of software.

In case you accept already uninstalled a program, but you doubtable that it left some trails across your drive, IObit's scanner will be able to hunt down junk and the nearly hidden cleaved shortcuts and caches created when you previously installed the updates for that software.

The plan will too take a look at your web browsers to find whatsoever plugins that could exist uninstalled to enhance your organization'due south operation.

What's more, is that yous tin can monitor new programs installations and see all changes fabricated to your system in real-fourth dimension by those applications.

Hence this software is a friction match for anybody who needs a reliable and efficient service of uninstalling stubborn apps from a PC. With such cut-edge back up, y'all can forget nigh files that remain on your arrangement.

IObit Uninstaller Pro

Safely uninstall fifty-fifty the most stubborn of programs and proceed your PC ataxia-complimentary at all times!

Revo Uninstaller Pro

This is one of the virtually popular uninstaller software, and it includes a whole bunch of very useful features. It volition automatically find all installed programs from your organization and it includes some more uninstalling options.

There's a Quick uninstall which removes programs without the user'due south intervention, and it will automatically delete leftover files.

You also have the option of Forced uninstall which will plough out to be useful for removing remnants of programs that you accept already uninstalled.

All you have to practise is choose your favorite to uninstall option, and from there on, the programme will have care of things.

Apart from its core uninstaller module, Revo Uninstaller Pro also features some useful tools such equally Browsers Cleaner (for deleting browsing history), Autorun Manager (for configuring auto-run programs), Backup manager, and much more.

The program is also available every bit a portable app and then, in conclusion, in example you're looking for a powerful tool that will remove general junk files and that will as well free your automobile of unwanted programs, this is a safe pick.

Revo Uninstaller Pro

Uninstall any software completely and make certain no traces of it are left behind using Revo Uninstaller.

Ashampoo Uninstaller

Y'all may find this tool a flake intimidating at outset, simply one time you lot work your way around it, yous will meet that things will get much easier.

This is ahighly capable uninstaller tooland has every useful feature you lot can recall of, and expect from an app like this.

Expert Tip: Some PC bug are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an mistake, your organisation may be partially broken. We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that volition browse your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

You have the ability to uninstall programs using various methods (including silent uninstall and uninstall with the car purging of unwanted files).

On the other hand, it's a bit surprising that the program doesn't back up batch uninstallations. But y'all shouldn't worry as the programme has various features that volition definitely make up for this.

You merely have to go to the Tools sub-module, and y'all'll find additional sub-utilities that you'll be able to use for anything from managingstartup programs and deleting duplicate files todefragmenting disks and optimizing the registry.

You will also get the opportunity to adjustgroup policies, shred files, and perform more actions.

We tin hands say that this software is a sophisticated PC optimizer program with strong uninstalling power, even if the plan is a chip more complicated than other apps.

Ashampoo Uninstaller

Fully optimize and protect your PC with Ashampoo Uninstaller, rubbing out all undesired programs.

Wise Care 365 Pro

This is more than an uninstaller, information technology'south a comprehensive PC Cleaning and Speed up Suite that can perform an impressive array of tasks to help your arrangement work better and faster.

If yous idea that you needed a tool to clean registry entries and junk files, another 1 for protecting your privacy, and nonetheless one more to optimize your PC, you couldn't exist more wrong.

With Wise Care 365, y'all tin can optimize performances, defrags disks, manage the startup process equally well as services, clean invalid shortcuts, navigation traces, useless files created by other applications, and more than.

You tin free upward valuable hard disk space in seconds to speed up a dull computer and even gain a powerful System and Hardware Monitoring Utility without any extra costs – pretty awesome, isn't it?

And that is non all, because this simple to use tool comes with powerful features like system autocleaning in silent manner, faster boot speed, automated updates, or more storage infinite just for you.

Therefore, you should benefit from this advantage to protect your computer from any threats regarding installing apps.

Wise Care 365 Pro

Endeavor this useful software for a complete cleaning and safeguarding experience of your estimator!


This might exist the virtually pop arrangement cleaning and optimizing app out there, and information technology packs in lots of goodies in a very lightweight package.

The CCleaner is primarily dealing with removing all sorts of undesired files, missing shortcuts, and broken registry entries from your system.

It is a fast app and too free of bloat. Information technology includes some handy additional tools, as well and this is exactly what makes it and then bang-up.

Such a tool is the Uninstall sub-module which does simply what the proper noun suggests:finding and deleting indistinguishable files, managing startup programs, securely delete files, then on.

In case you're searching for a neat and rounded uninstaller plan that'southward more of an optimization suite for your motorcar, and you also want to keep some money in your pocket, then this is the perfect choice for y'all.


You tin can optimize your PC instantly and resolve any unwanted residual files with CCleaner!

Absolute Uninstaller

This software is some other bachelor solution to completely uninstall unwanted programs that harm your PC, plus assuring that the process is terminal and leftovers will be erased.

Firstly, this tool tin perform more often than not what other alike constructive software tin practise, sort of uninstall multiple programs at in one case, remove or restore entries, fix invalid entries automatically, alter apps properties, and more.

As well, the principal mission of Absolute Uninstaller is in its proper noun, thus it takes the commitment to protect any PC from issues occurred past risky installations. So information technology means that grants support to thoroughly remove any programs or remnants of them.

On the other hand, yous are able to get restored uninstall information from removed programs on your computer, to see the reports of certain apps uninstallation.

Thus there are plenty of benefits provided by this solution and you can utilize information technology all practically with the printing of a button, assuring a well-functioning and uncluttered Windows 10 PC.

Absolute Uninstaller

If you need a straightforward uninstaller tool that performs its job, confidently choose Absolute!

AVG TuneUp

AVG TuneUp is maintenance and cleaning-up software that tin can heave up your PC instantly past removing unnecessary files or programs.

This strong tool is capable of uninstalling undesirable programs from your figurer, letting a clean organisation without files remnants.

In improver, information technology can do much more to protect your organisation at its all-time. More than exactly information technology removes junk files to free up memory, erase browser hidden files, optimize your PC in Slumber Style, deep clean the difficult bulldoze.

Consequently, you volition get a faster Windows-running computer with 1-click optimization features. Besides that, removing the bloatware or unwanted apps should issue in a long-life arrangement.

To exemplify, the one-click optimization means peachy maintenance support in removing browser traces, cached files, or programs leftovers from your PC.

Therefore, choosing comprehensive services by AVG TuneUp will clearly increase your system functionality and provide resilience over time.

AVG TuneUp

Effort out a powerful all-in-one protection software to efficiently manage your PC applications.

To conclude, all the tools presented above volition do a fantastic job of removing unwanted software from your figurer, but each ane of them likewise packs some pretty cool extras.

Cheque them all out and stick with your favorite. For more suggestions, please admission the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If y'all don't want to utilise the Windows congenital-in option to uninstall apps, there are many free software solutions that could help you uninstall programs from your PC efficiently.

  • Many programs leave some traces behind after a traditional removal, which become invalid or decadent and might slow your PC down.

  • Make sure that you're running the uninstaller with total administrator rights and try to remove the plan again.