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The Requested Url /cockpit-master/auth/login Was Not Found on This Server. Updated FREE

The Requested Url /cockpit-master/auth/login Was Not Found on This Server.

Embedded awarding server libraries may crusade Admincentral to freeze

The Temper Framework bundles several button (Comet) driver implementations. Information technology typically picks the one advisable for the currently used application server, simply if your webapp for some reason brings in other application server libraries (such as Jetty or Grizzly), Temper may pick a wrong commuter. This can crusade Admincentral to get unresponsive while waiting for push connections.

To mitigate these issues, try to avert bundling such libraries. See MGNLUI-6899 for more details.

Preview as visitor works only with en as default JVM linguistic communication

In Magnolia 6.2.eleven, preview as company does not piece of work when English language as the default JVM language specifies a variant (for example, en_US equally opposed to but en).

For languages other than English, the consequence occurs regardless of whether any variants are defined (for example, with both es and es_ES).

For more details and a workaround, run across MGNLPN-564.

Failing Postal service requests to GraphQL endpoint

When you send a Postal service request in magnolia-dx-core-demo-webapp 6.ii.ten to a GraphQL endpoint, you may get the following 403 Forbidden error:

CSRF token mismatch maybe caused by expired session. Please re-open the folio and submit the form again.

In the meantime, you tin include the GraphQL module in a webapp based on a half-dozen.2.ten bundle if yous add together the following configuration to bypass the CSRF security filter:

BypassGraphQL: class: info.magnolia.voting.voters.URIStartsWithVoter pattern: /.graphql

REST endpoint not behaving every bit expected with Coffee 11

In the Magnolia 6.two.8 webapps (except magnolia-empty-webapp), nosotros accept identified an issue filed every bit BUILD-462.

Generally, the REST endpoints that are affected are those installed or monitored by the magnolia-rest-services and magnolia-rest-integration submodules of the Magnolia Balance module. These include:

  • Nodes endpoint

  • Properties endpoint

  • Commands endpoint

and any custom endpoint configured equally /config/<module-name>/restEndpoints. Whether these endpoints are affected in a specific Magnolia setup depends on how the endpoints are implemented.

The cause of the issue was the update of Tika to 1.26, which pulled in JAXB Runtime 3.0.0.

This outcome is resolved in Magnolia half-dozen.2.9 as well equally magnolia-dx-core-deject-webapp-6.2.eight-sp1, which is bachelor in the Magnolia Deject Cockpit.

H2 database

We practise not recommend using the H2 database for production environments.

H2 does not accept more one connection

Our default configuration uses the server way for H2. If you drift from Magnolia 5.5.eight or earlier in the v.5 branch or five.6.1 or earlier in the 5.six co-operative and attempt to initiate a backup call using CLI or Residuum, it will neglect because H2 does not allow more than than one connection at a fourth dimension. Configure H2 to run in server mode by adding AUTO_SERVER=TRUE to the URL parameters:

                <param proper name="url" value="jdbc:h2:${wsp.home}/db;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE" />  <param name="url" value="jdbc:h2:${rep.home}/version/db;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE" />              

Index rule warnings when upgrading from 5.4.x directly to 6.2.x

Jackrabbit two.16 introduced beingness checks for node types when refreshing indexing configurations. Previously, it would accept arbitrary node-type names as strings. If your project is not using Magnolia's SearchIndex implementation, you lot may detect the following warnings in your logs:

              2018-07-25 17:48:33,691 WARN rabbit.core.query.lucene.IndexingConfigurationImpl: Unable to refresh alphabetize rules javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException: {http://www.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}page     at org.apache.jackrabbit.cadre.nodetype.NodeTypeRegistry.getNodeTypeDef(NodeTypeRegistry.java:552) ~[jackrabbit-cadre-2.16.1.jar:two.16.1]            
              2018-03-xvi xi:xxx:57,892 WARN rg.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.SearchIndex: Exception initializing indexing configuration from: /info/magnolia/jackrabbit/indexing_configuration_website.xml javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException: {http://world wide web.magnolia.info/jcr/mgnl}page     at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeTypeRegistry.getNodeTypeDef(NodeTypeRegistry.java:552) ~[jackrabbit-core-2.16.1.jar:ii.xvi.ane]            

To mitigate this problem, in your Jackrabbit search configuration files, supervene upon

              <SearchIndex grade="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.SearchIndex">            


              <SearchIndex course="info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene.SearchIndex">            

The warnings should not announced in the logs if you lot follow our recommendation to upgrade first to the latest release in both your current branch and every intermediate Magnolia branch notwithstanding maintained before upgrading to the latest release in the Magnolia 6.ii branch. For more details, see How to upgrade.

Too many open files

The embedded Derby database, which can be used instead of the H2 database, opens several file handles and may run over the maximum limit set past the organization. This result can occur on some Linux and OS X systems such as Macbook Air.

The solution is to increase the system-wide limit on the number of open files. The exact procedure varies from ane Bone to another (run across Likewise many open files.

Ubuntu Linux
  1. Find the current maximum number of open files per user in a single session:
    ulimit -northward
    The number is 1024 by default, which is besides small-scale.

  2. Edit the limits.conf file:
    sudo gedit /etc/security/limits.conf

  3. Add the following lines to the file:
    * soft nofile 10000
    * hard nofile 50000
    This sets for all users a soft limit of 10000 open files and a hard limit of 50000. These are but examples. Set the limit according to your needs. Note that the wildcard option applies only to regular users, non to superuser. If yous run Magnolia as superuser, supervene upon the asterisk with root.

  4. Salve the file.

  5. Edit the configuration file for session-related modules:
    sudo gedit /etc/pam.d/mutual-session

  6. Add together the following line to the file:
    session required pam_limits.and then

    On Ubuntu 17.04, you will probably also accept to add together the following line to /etc/systemd/organization.conf and /etc/systemd/user.conf: + DefaultLimitNOFILE=65535

  7. Save the file.

  8. Restart Ubuntu.

  9. Verify the new maximum number of open files:
    ulimit -north
    The control should at present return 10000.

Os X 10.eight (Mountain Lion)
  1. Find the current maximum number of open files per user in a single session:
    ulimit -due north
    The number is 256 by default, which is too small.

  2. Add ulimit -n 65536 to your ~/.profile file. This increases the limit for the shell.

  3. Create a /etc/sysctl.conf file if it does not exist.

  4. Add the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf:
    This increases the limit for the kernel.

  5. Open up a last and type:

    sudo sysctl -westward kern.maxfiles=65536
    sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=65536
    sudo ulimit -due north 65536

    Or restart your system to read the settings from the files you edited.

  6. Type ulimit -north. The response should be 65536 (if not, restart your system).

  7. Install Magnolia

For Os X 10.9 (Mavericks), 10.10 (Yosemite) and 10.xi (El Capitan), see Trounce session limit.

For OS X ten.12 (Sierra) and 10.thirteen (High Sierra), run into this thread.

The instructions above apply to Bash shell, non Zsh.

Session de-serialization

When installing or upgrading Magnolia, you may run into this error message:

              2009-11-24 13:02:14,970 ERROR org.apache.catalina.session.ManagerBase: IOException while loading persisted sessions            

This tin be due to changes in the signatures of classes that are stored in user sessions, such as permissions and users. The fault happens when Tomcat attempts to de-serialize serialized sessions equally the container starts. The de-serialization causes the loss of persisted sessions, and users will have to log in again. Otherwise, it is a harmless error and can exist ignored.

Port 8080 is already in use

Port 8080 is the default port for Tomcat. You tin come across it at the end of the default address http://localhost:8080. If another application on the computer is already using the same port, you may need to change it.

  1. Open up <CATALINA_HOME>/conf/server.xml in a text editor. This file is under your Magnolia installation directory.

  2. Find the following department and set the value of port to something other than 8080 (for example, 8090):

                        <!-- Define a not-SSL HTTP/i.1 Connector on port 8080 --> <Connector port="8090" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"            maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"            enableLookups="imitation" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"            connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />                  

Change the defaultBaseUrl belongings, which is used to create absolute links in emails or other external systems. To do this, you lot need to now access Magnolia at the new 8090 port.

  1. Log into the author instance at http://localhost:8090/magnoliaAuthor/.magnolia.

  2. Go to Configuration.

  3. Set the /server/defaultBaseUrl holding to http://localhost:8090/magnolia/.

  4. Log into the public instance at http://localhost:8090/magnoliaPublic/.magnolia.

  5. Go to Configuration.

  6. Set the /server/defaultBaseUrl holding to http://localhost:8090/magnolia/.

The port also needs to be updated in publishing configuration. Otherwise, publishing changes from the author to the public example would fail.

  1. On the author instance, get to Configuration > modules > publishing-cadre > config > receivers.

  2. Under the magnoliaPublic8080 receiver, fix the URL property to http://localhost:8090 magnoliaPublic.

  3. Rename the receiver to magnoliaPublic8090. Publish the modified receiver including its subnodes.

If you want to run two different Tomcats simultaneously, you demand to change other ports too. This is useful if you want to run different versions of Magnolia at the same time. In <CATALINA_HOME>/conf/server.xml, change the port numbers for the shutdown and AJP sections and any custom sections you have enabled.

Java out of memory

If the JVM does not have enough memory, java.lang.OutOfMemoryError may appear in the startup log and Magnolia may fail to start.

              Exception in thread "Timer-1" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.IndexingQueue.getFinishedDocuments            
Solution = Increase Java heap size to classify more memory to the JVM
  1. Stop the server.
    ./magnolia_control.sh stop

  2. Open the /apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.sh file (/apache-tomcat/bin/setenv.bat on Windows) in a text editor.

  3. Edit the Xmx parameter to set a new maximum heap size. The default size for Magnolia is 2048M. Endeavour a higher number (for instance, 4096M).

  4. Save the file and start the server.
    ./magnolia_control.sh start && tail -f ../logs/catalina.out

Publishing errors

For issues related to publishing keys and the handshaking process, run into the Publishing errors folio.

Node locking

Nosotros have temporarily added a five-minute timeout for the locking mechanism to mitigate an issue with nodes existence locked fifty-fifty after publishing.

New security filter

MAGNOLIA-6865 introduced a new security filter that checks each Post request. As this may affect the functionality of your existing forms, delight contact united states and we will provide yous with more data about this issue.

For security reasons, however, we cannot disclose farther details here.

Content stored in CE apps not displayed

In the Customs Edition, if yous edit content created in an app and the instance has no default i18n support, the content volition not be displayed in the detail subapp of the app (MGNLUI-5770).

Single-page applications (SPA)

External SPA and browser compatibility

If you are running SPA editors (React, Angular or Vue) on Magnolia using either Safari or the Brave Browser, you tin can come across an outcome where you lot run into a blank white screen. This issue can exist fixed as follows:


Configure your local SPA evolution server to use an SSL certificate for the localhost, for instance, with the mkcert tool:

  • In your home SPA folder, execute the following control:

  • Configure your local evolution server to use SSL and the newly created document. (Concrete instructions will depend on the framework you are using for your SPA).

  • Change your environment or the low-cal module files to use HTTPS (not but HTTP) to access the local development server. For case, use https://localhost:3000 instead of http://localhost:3000.

  • Restart your local development server.

Brave Browser

Disable the Shields temporarily.

HTTP range requests from Facebook do not work

Facebook uses HTTP range requests to read Open up Graph tags. This may cause the Facebook crawler to not work for Magnolia websites. A workaround for this issue is to use a voter that will bypass the gzip filter if the incoming request is of the range blazon and is coming from Facebook.


                'facebookCrawler':   'class': info.magnolia.voting.voters.BoolVoterSet   'op': AND   'voters':     'userAgent':       'course': info.magnolia.voting.voters.RequestHeaderPatternRegexVoter       'headerName': User-Agent       'pattern': .*facebookexternalhit.*     'rangeRequest':       'class': info.magnolia.voting.voters.RequestHeaderPatternRegexVoter       'headerName': Range       'pattern': .*              

Virtual URI mappings not working if likewise many are configured

To mitigate an issue caused by having more than than 500 configured virtual URI mappings in light modules, a WARN-level message is now logged when a DirectoryWatcher overflow occurs (MAGNOLIA-7762). We recommend to proceed the number of files in a single folder below 100 and to apply folder hierarchies whenever possible. For the upcoming fix, run across MAGNOLIA-7798.

i18n breaks virtual URI mapping for paths starting with a language tag

You have a virtual URI mapping configuration similar to what is shipped with the tours module of the Magnolia Travel Demo:


                class: info.magnolia.virtualuri.mapping.RegexpVirtualUriMapping fromUri: ^/(.*/)?tours(.*).html toUri: forward:/$1travel/tour?tour=$2              

Provided en is the default language, yous may see that requests for pages without the language tag in the path piece of work correctly,


while those where the tag is part of the path fail:


Add together a bypass of the i18n filter

This is a solution adopted in the Magnolia vi.2.12 Demo webapp. The demo adds a bypass of the i18n filter:


                  ...   i18n:     class: info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupportFilter     enabled: truthful     bypasses:       BypassWhenForward:         grade: info.magnolia.voting.voters.ForwardVoter   enshroud:     class: info.magnolia.module.cache.filter.CacheFilter     defaultContentCachingConfigurationName: defaultPageCache   virtualURI:     class: info.magnolia.virtualuri.VirtualUriFilter     enabled: true ...                

Additionally, set /modules/enshroud/config/contentCaching/<your-configuration>/cachePolicy@includePersonalizedDescendants to true. This makes sure that personalized components are office of page cache key. Otherwise, you would always go the first page version.

Change the filter social club

In this solution, present in the Magnolia 6.2.13 Demo webapp, the bypass of the i18n filter is removed but the order of filters has changed:


                  ...   virtualURI:     class: info.magnolia.virtualuri.VirtualUriFilter     enabled: true   i18n:     class: info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupportFilter     enabled: true   cache:     form: info.magnolia.module.enshroud.filter.CacheFilter     defaultContentCachingConfigurationName: defaultPageCache ...                
Redirects are not cached.

You are probably non affected

If a tours-like mapping is not used in your project or you do not apply language variants, keep the following order of filters:


                  ...   i18n:     class: info.magnolia.cms.i18n.I18nContentSupportFilter     enabled: true   cache:     grade: info.magnolia.module.cache.filter.CacheFilter     defaultContentCachingConfigurationName: defaultPageCache   virtualURI:     class: info.magnolia.virtualuri.VirtualUriFilter     enabled: true ...                
This is implemented in the Magnolia 6.ii.12 webapps that don't ship with the Travel Demo.

Natural lodge not respected in content search results

If you search for content using searchfn.searchPage() or searchfn.searchContent() or past executing search queries straight from a template, the search results will not respect the natural society. This issue is acquired by a bug in Apache Jackrabbit reported as JCR-3932.

Until the JCR issues is fixed, do not use searchfn. To become the correct order, execute JCR XPath queries straight.

DL4J/ND4J problems

Off-heap retentiveness starvation

You should configure DL4J memory limits to avoid off-heap memory starvation. This is peculiarly the case with the -Dorg.bytedeco.javacpp.maxbytes JVM statement. For more details, encounter MGNLPER-121.

When you feel this upshot, the following message appears in the logs:

                java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize course org.nd4j.linalg.factory              

The event may occur on more than than only i Tomcat case running on the same VM and the same JDK.

The ND4J library can only exist initiated one time. Therefore, search effect ranking on public instances should be disabled by either changing the configuration of the Periscope Result Ranker module or completely removing the magnolia-periscope-result-ranker module from your State of war package. Later on this modification, the search function will be available simply search results will not exist ranked. For more details, see MGNLPER-112.

no jnijavacpp in java.library.path error bulletin

Some environments may throw the following warnings with DL4J i.0.0-beta7:

no jnijavacpp in java.library.path

AVX/AVX2 CPU Back up

Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) are a set up of instructions extending the instruction fix of the x86 family of microprocessors. AVX was first released in March 2008 for Intel and AMD, and AVX2 was released in 2013. If your hardware uses a processor that does non support AVX2, you will go the post-obit message:

              libnd4j binary was congenital with AVX/AVX2 back up, but current CPU doesn't have this didactics set. Exiting at present...            

Past default, Magnolia is shipped with the AVX2 libraries installed:

  • nd4j-native-1.0.0-beta6-macosx-x86_64-avx2.jar

  • nd4j-native-1.0.0-beta6-windows-x86_64-avx2.jar

  • nd4j-native-1.0.0-beta6-linux-x86_64-avx2.jar

              <dependency>   <groupId>org.nd4j</groupId>   <artifactId>nd4j-native</artifactId>   <classifier>linux-x86_64-avx2</classifier> </dependency> <dependency>   <groupId>org.nd4j</groupId>   <artifactId>nd4j-native</artifactId>   <classifier>macosx-x86_64-avx2</classifier> </dependency> <dependency>   <groupId>org.nd4j</groupId>   <artifactId>nd4j-native</artifactId>   <classifier>windows-x86_64-avx2</classifier> </dependency>            

If your CPU only supports AVX, utilise the AVX libraries instead:

  • nd4j-native-1.0.0-beta6-macosx-x86_64.jar

  • nd4j-native-1.0.0-beta6-windows-x86_64.jar

  • nd4j-native-1.0.0-beta6-linux-x86_64.jar

              <dependency>   <groupId>org.nd4j</groupId>   <artifactId>nd4j-native</artifactId>   <classifier>linux-x86_64</classifier> </dependency> <dependency>   <groupId>org.nd4j</groupId>   <artifactId>nd4j-native</artifactId>   <classifier>macosx-x86_64</classifier> </dependency> <dependency>   <groupId>org.nd4j</groupId>   <artifactId>nd4j-native</artifactId>   <classifier>windows-x86_64</classifier> </dependency>            

Resizing a GIF image results in an HTTP 500 error

Specific JVMs practice not back up GIF prototype compression. In particular, when using version eleven of OpenJDK and its derivatives to process a GIF paradigm via standard image variations, the variations are not rendered and the browser console displays an error:

              Failed to load resources: the server responded with a status of 500 () <link>            
More details nearly the error are shown if y'all open up the image link direct:
              coffee.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown compression type! 	java.desktop/javax.imageio.ImageWriteParam.setCompressionType(ImageWriteParam.java:1040) 	info.magnolia.imaging.OutputFormat.applyTo(OutputFormat.java:80) 	info.magnolia.imaging.DefaultImageStreamer.write(DefaultImageStreamer.java:83)            


  • Add a new property called compressionType to the configuration of the output format of your GIF image generator (/modules/imaging/config/generators/<generator-name>/outputFormat) and set its value to LZW.

    Due to a change between Java eight and Coffee 11 you have to specifically use upper case LZW.
  • Employ a JVM that provides support for processing GIF images (Oracle).

  • Avoid processing GIFs via image variations; utilize direct links to render the images.

The Requested Url /cockpit-master/auth/login Was Not Found on This Server.


Source: https://docs.magnolia-cms.com/product-docs/6.2/Administration/Troubleshooting/Known-issues.html

Posted by: framptonuppong.blogspot.com

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